Stool/Fecal for Occult Blood


Occult blood means that you can’t see it with the naked eye. And fecal means that it is in your stool. Blood in your stool means there is bleeding in the digestive tract. The bleeding may be caused by a variety of conditions, including: Polyps, abnormal growths on the lining of the colon or rectum.

Gastrointestinal bleeding may be microscopic, so you can’t see it. (Doctors call that “occult” blood.) Or you may easily see it as red blood, or black tar-like bowel movements.

Some of the more common causes include colon cancer, esophagitis, peptic ulcers, gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease, vascular ectasias, portal hypertensive gastropathy, gastric antral vascular ectasias, and small bowel tumors (eg, GI stromal cell tumor, lymphoma, carcinoid, adenocarcinoma, or polyp).

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